Streetpass integrated into buzznav (another pokenav feature which has a love/hate relationship with most pokemon players currently not all players have great streetpass reception) Its nice that gamefreak added something like this considering there was no item like this in the original RSE. New dexnav feature apart of the pokenav which has that pokeradar feel to it. PSS is back along with O-Powers wonder trade and all that good stuff Mirage spots replacing original Mirage Island from RSE The pokemon league aethestics were amazingly well done by gamefreak. More mega evolutions if that's your thing. You now have the option to fly to specific routes/places on top of cities. Nostalgia for days - lots of throwbacks and references to the original RSE Lots of legendary pokemon to catch post-game I'll make this review short by outlining some key things to consider before buying this game. Yet for some reason, I can't help myself but to buy into it year after year. Start off in your hometown, get your 1st pokemon from a pokemon professor, start your journey to become pokemon league champion, get a rival, beat some gyms, couple sidequests along the way, beat the elite four, become champion, and enjoy post-game (or start over). For anyone who's played pokemon, the concept is still the same. It's great seeing Hoenn remastered in 3D.

The reason I bought Alpha Sapphire is because I originally played Ruby and wanted to try something different this time. I still own my original GBA copies of Ruby and Emerald.